ARIE BLOK BV is nowadays one of the larger grain processing companies in the Netherlands, producing and selling products under different brand names and additionally supplying semi-final products to fellow companies under private labels.
ARIE BLOK BV is nowadays one of the larger grain processing companies in the Netherlands, producing and selling products under different brand names and additionally supplying semi-final products to fellow companies under private labels.
In the past decades, a wide range of food for pet animals and small livestock was developed and marketed. The company was gradually developing itself from a feed manufacturer for animal husbandries to a manufacturer for specialized products.
Since 2002 the brands Arie Blok, Kasper Faunafood, HippoStar, Hope Farms and HobbyFirst Canex are conducted under the company name ‘Arie Blok Animal Nutrition’. Brand names which have proven their value and strength over the years.
Since early 2015 Arie Blok BV became part of the Arvesta -Group. This gives better opportunities to serve new markets abroad. Cooperation in the field of purchase of raw materials, product knowledge, producing specialties, market approach and so on, leads to important economies of scale. The Arvesta-Group produces over 200,000 tons of animal feed per year.